Hope Sabbath School

The law is a revelation of God's loving character. This lesson will explore how God's plan of salvation affirms the law. How do we live in harmony with God's law of love?
This lesson looks at the two greatest commandments and how they relate to demonstrating love and justice in our lives. How does the first command help us with the second command? Are there greatest sins? How does God call us to care for the oppressed?
Satan is known as the father of lies. In this lesson we will dig into Jesus' response to Satan's lies. What can we learn from the parable of the vineyard? What does Paul say will be the final confession of all?
This week's lesson delves into the influence of Satan and his fallen angels on our lives. Why does God allow this influence? What protections or limitations are there? How has God assured our victory?
There is a conflict between good and evil. How did it start? How did we get in the middle of it? This lesson will answer these questions and take a look at the armor God offers us as protection.
The Bible says that God is sovereign and all-powerful. But, there is one thing he can't do. In this lesson we will study the relationship between our free will and God's foreknowledge and power in the plan of salvation.
This week's lesson will explore the age-old question, "If God is so good, why is there evil?" We will look to the book of Job for insight. Why did God give us free will? What is His plan to end evil?
God is just. What is the relationship between God's love and his passion for justice? This lesson will explore the perfect balance of love, justice and mercy in God's unchanging character.
In this week's lesson we will examine how God's wrath is different than human anger. Jesus experienced righteous indignation. So, when is wrath an appropriate response?
Old Testament prophets revealed God's passion and even jealousy for us. How did God demonstrate this love through the ministry of Jesus?
God rejoices over us! Accepting a loving relationship with Him brings Him joy. But, rejections brings an equal measure of sadness. In this lesson we will study examples of the relationships that bring God joy.
Love is meant to be reciprocated! This lesson continues to look at God's everlasting love, and what our response should be. How does our positive response benefit our lives? What is the impact if we reject His love?
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